Order Radiology test
From the main menu, click the link with the "Order Radiology testS label". This will automatically open a new page specifically designed for submitting radiology requests.
A new page opens with the patient's name, ID, and admission number pre-filled.
Choose the specific radiology procedure needed from the available options.
Optionally, add any relevant notes about the chosen exam in the text box just below the radiology procedure field.
Click "Submit Request" to finalize the radiology exam request.
Manage procedures
Need to add a new radiology procedure not listed? No problem!
Click the "Manage Procedures" button (with a settings icon) on the top right side of the choose a radiology procedure field. This opens a separate page containing a list of all existing procedures.
Here, you can:
- Edit existing procedures as needed.
- Delete procedures that are no longer relevant.
- Add a new procedure by clicking the "Add Procedure" button (with a plus sign).